Developer Advocacy in 2023

Joe KarlssonBlog

Developer Advocacy in 2023

Adapting to Techpocalypse 💥

Remember when we thought 2020 was a wild ride? Fast forward to 2023, and here we are, in the midst of a tech market downturn and a tsunami of tech layoffs. Developer advocacy hasn’t been immune to this whirlwind of change, so grab some popcorn 🍿 and let’s chat about how we can adapt and thrive in Developer Advocacy in 2023!

Internal Collaboration

First up: internal collaboration. Gone are the days when DevRel teams could chillax in their siloed paradise. Now, it’s all about getting cozy with other departments. Let’s look at some ways to level up our collaboration game:

  1. Invite engineers to your next virtual karaoke night 🎤 – okay, maybe not, but do invite them to brainstorm content ideas, co-write blog posts, or even tag-team on conference talks. Their expertise and insights can help create more valuable and relevant content for your community.
  2. Schedule bi-weekly syncs with the marketing team 📆 – discuss upcoming campaigns, share insights from the community, and ensure that your messaging aligns with the company’s overall goals. Bonus: you might pick up some sweet marketing hacks!
  3. Host cross-department workshops 🛠️ – teach your fellow colleagues about the developer community, and learn about their challenges and goals. These workshops can help foster empathy and understanding, leading to better collaboration across the board.

Return on Investment (ROI)

Now, let’s talk about that oh-so-elusive ROI for DevRel. With tightened budgets and increased scrutiny, DevRel needs to prove its worth like never before. But fear not, here are some practical examples to help you showcase your value:

  1. Metrics, metrics, metrics 📊 – it’s time to get comfy with data! Track engagement, conversions, and other KPIs that align with your organization’s objectives. Show how your DevRel activities contribute to lead generation, customer retention, and overall revenue growth.
  2. Share customer success stories 🏆 – demonstrate the impact of your work by showcasing how your developer community has helped solve real-world problems, improve products, or even drive sales. Don’t be shy about sharing these stories with the rest of the company.
  3. Upskill your teammates 📚 – share your DevRel expertise with other teams by offering training sessions, workshops, or mentorship. This way, you’ll help them understand the value you bring and create a more developer-centric culture throughout the organization.

It’s time for Developer Advocacy to step up and show the world we’re not just a bunch of nerdy hype-machines! 🤓 By fostering internal collaboration and showcasing our ROI, we can weather the Techpocalypse and come out stronger than ever! 💪

Stay resilient, and happy advocating!



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Developer Advocacy in 2023